Does Intent Matter in a Theft, Robbery, or Burglary Charge?
Yes, intent always matters in a theft, robbery, or burglary case. The state has to prove that you committed these crimes intentionally or knowingly and not by accident.
How the state is going to try to prove this depends on the facts of your case.
In the case of a shoplifting, it’s usually going to be testimony from a loss prevention officer or from a witness who says you took something, hid it, and walked out of the store without paying for it, as well as any surveillance video that might exist.
In a robbery or burglary case, it’s usually the word of the alleged victim, other witnesses that might have seen the robbery occur, physical injuries the alleged victim may have suffered, and sometimes surveillance video.
Disproving intent is generally only a viable defense in a theft case, such as a shoplifting. People do sometimes forget to pay for things that they’ve put in a shopping bag or cart. To prove that you took items out of a store by mistake, I look for particular types of evidence, such as things that may have distracted you (like getting an important text or call or dealing with misbehaving kids) or evidence that you may have been tired or drowsy (such as having a long day at work or taking certain prescription medication).
For more information on Intent In Theft, Robbery, Or Burglary Cases, a free initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (713) 936-4521 today.
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