What Are The Penalties Associated With A Sex Crime Conviction?
There are two main consequences of being convicted of a sexual offense.
First, if you’re convicted of a felony sex offense, there are the standard penalties that come with any felony conviction. You lose your right to vote, own firearms, serve on a jury, and run for public office. You’re also going to have a hard time finding a good job in the future, and you’re going to have a lifelong criminal record.
The second, and worst consequence, of a sex conviction is sex offender registration. If you’re convicted or placed on deferred adjudication for any of the following crimes, you have to register as a sex offender:
- Continuous sexual abuse of a child
- Bestiality
- Indecency with a child
- Sexual assault
- Aggravated sexual assault
- Prohibited sexual conduct
- Compelling prostitution
- Sexual performance by a child
- Possession or promotion of child pornography
- Aggravated kidnapping with intent to commit sexual assault
- Burglary of a habitation with intent to commit a sexual offense
- Unlawful restraint, kidnapping, or aggravated kidnapping of a victim under 17 years old
- Indecent exposure (second conviction only)
- Online solicitation of a minor; and
- Certain human trafficking convictions
For the following offenses, the registration period is 10 years:
- Online solicitation of a minor
- Indecency with a child
- Indecent exposure (second conviction)
For all the rest of the offenses listed above, the registration period is life.
As a sex offender, you have to register your address and phone number with the local police department and your name, address, or photo can be seen by anyone who does an online search of the Texas Sex Offender Registry. You’ll also be prohibited from living or working within at least 500 feet of a “child safety zone,” which includes areas that children commonly gather such as schools, parks, day cares, and playgrounds. This restriction can make it very difficult to find a place to work and to live.
If you fail to notify law enforcement of a change in your address or you forget to renew your sex offender registration, you can be charged with failure to register as a sex offender, a third-degree felony punishable by between 2-10 years in prison.
For more information on Penalties Associated With Sex Crime Convictions, a free initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (713) 936-4521 today.
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